Jailhouse Journal of an OB/GYN

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jailhouseby Bruce S.Steir, M.D.

Memoir (U.S.), 344 pages
Publisher: AuthorHouse, May 22, 2008
ISBN-10: 1434374602
ISBN-13: 978-1434374608
Order: Amazon.com

From Bruce Steir: I wrote this memoir- „Jailhouse Journal of an OB/GYN“ while serving time. It explains the events that led to my being charged with homicide as it explores the collaboration between the anti-abortion network, the Medical Board and the District Attorney’s office. My memoir consists of anecdotal experiences that motivated me to study medicine, encouraged me to become an OB/GYN physician and compelled me to be a full-time abortion provider. The autobiographical adventures travel from college and medical school in Florida to my sleepless internship in New Orleans, through my OB/GYN residency training. It continues with my service in the USAF in France as a medical officer; to Seattle in private practice; then again in the direction of military service as an OB/GYN attached to the Marine Corps and finally as a traveling abortion provider and eventually a convicted felon doing time. My experiences have filled my life with inspiration, love, humor, sadness, joy and much irony. (My memoir does not contain any fiction!)